Westwood Farm Pre-School
Westwood Farm Pre-School is open Monday to Friday during term time. We operate two sessions a day:
Morning session 8.45am - 11.30am
Afternoon session 12.30pm - 3.15pm
A lunch club session operates between 11.30am and 12.30pm on a chargeable basis. Currently £6.00 for 3-4 year olds and £7.00 for 2 year olds per day.
Most children start Pre-School the term after their 3rd birthday when they are entitled to 15 hours funded childcare. As per our admissions policy we require children to attend a minimum of 4 sessions per week. Parents may opt to pay for additional sessions over and above the 15 hours funded by the government and these are available at £16.50 per session for 3 and 4 year olds and £19.25 for 2 year olds (rising 3's). We are also able to offer the 30 hour funding if you qualify. You can apply at this government link https://childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk/par/app/applynow
We accepct 2,3 and 4 year old funding, please click the link to find out which you are eligable for Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
We also offer a limited number of funded two year old spaces, please contact us for more information.
The Pre-School is sometimes able to accommodate 'rising three's' on a chargeable basis (A child who is within six or eight weeks of their third birthday). Please contact the administrator for more information.
Starting at Pre-School
If you wish to enrol your child at Pre-School, please download and return the registration form along with your child's birth certificate and £35 admin fee.
You will be contacted by the Administrator during the term before your child is due to start to discuss your session requirements and places allocation. Where possible, places will be allocated according to your wishes.
We are able to facilitate visits to the Pre-School, by appointment, to enable you and your child to meet the staff, see the environment that they will be located in and observe the activities that are on offer. Staff members will also be able to answer any questions that you may have. We also offer a home visit in the week before your child starts with us.
When your child starts their first session you can leave them if they are happy, however, if your child is upset we would ask you to help us settle them. It may be enough for you to sit with the child during registration and then leave, but if necessary then please be prepared to stay until your child feels secure and happy to be left.
Children should be clean and dry (toilet trained) if possible on starting Pre-School. However, don't despair, if they are not we would ask that you send them in pull ups and with a supply of spares in their bag.
What to wear
In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children in clothes which are easily washable and not too new. Some of our materials such as paints may stain clothing. Pre-School t-shirts are available for sale here.
Your child should bring a change of clothes in a bag to keep on their peg in case of accidents during the day and a pair of named wellies (to stay at pre-school) as they have access to water in our mud kitchen.
In the winter please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves/mittens (all named please).
In the summer your child will need a sun hat. We ask that you apply an 8 hour sun cream to your child before they start Pre-School.
Please ensure that everything your child brings in is named.
What to bring
Every child will be provided with a drink of milk or water and a varied and nutritional snack at snack time. We ask you to provide your child with a named water bottle (containing water only) to drink throughout the session.
If you child is attending Lunch Club, we recommend that you provide them with a healthy, balanced, nutritional lunch in a named lunch box.
We ask that you do not include any peanut products (including peanut butter, or items which state on the packaging may contain traces of peanuts) due to the prevalence of peanut allergies. If we have a child with particularly severe allergies we may ask you not to send in other items in your child's lunch box if this is the case we will notify you in writing via your child's book bag or via email.
We do not provide lunch to any children.
Please use the link below to fill in our registration form