Westwood Farm Pre-School
The Pre-School Committee Members
The committee is vital to the smooth running of the Pre-School. We hold monthly meetings (third Monday of the month) and being on the committee gives all parents involved an insight into behind the scenes of Pre-School.
Why not join the Pre-School Committee?
At Westwood Farm Pre-School we actively encourage parents to become involved in Pre-School life. One way in which you can do this is by joining the Pre-School Committee
As a registered charity Westwood Farm Pre-School is managed by a committee of parent/carer volunteers. The word ‘Committee’ can sound a little bit daunting, but we are really just a group of parents with a little time to give to Pre-School. It’s not a huge commitment and you can volunteer for whatever role interests you most, either using the skills you already have or developing new ones you could add to your CV!
What we do:
The committee work hand in hand with the Pre-School Manger and staff to ensure the smooth running of the Pre-School. We hold monthly meetings to plan fundraising events and ensure that the needs of all children and staff are being met. It’s a great way to get to know the staff better and to meet other parents.
Not only is being part of the committee a truly valuable role, it is also hugely rewarding and great fun. It gives you a real insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Pre-School as well as the opportunity to have a genuine impact on your child’s early years education.
If you are interested in joining us please speak to a member of staff or email chair@westwoodfarmpreschool.com
Here are some of our members, we are always happy to speak to parents/carers so come up and say hello!
My name is Marie. I am the chair of the committee. I am Mummy to Penny and Thomas.

My Name is Richard. I am the treasurer of the committee. I am Daddy to Emily, Lucy, Ben, Martha and Ruby.

My name is Talisha. I am the secretary of the committee. I am Mummy to Faye, Violet, Elisa and Benny.
My name is Liz, I am a member of the committee. I am Mummy to Tommy.

My name is Abbie. I am a member of the committee. I am Mummy to Oscar, Jaxon and Casper
My name is Colin. I am a member of the committee. I am Daddy to Emmie and Evie.

My name is Chris, I am a member of the committee. I am Daddy to Darcy and Jasper.
My name is Laura. I am a committee member. I am Mummy to Sophie and Maisie.
My name is David. I am a committee member. I am Daddy to Lara, Thea and Imogen

My name is Emma. I am a committee member. I am Mummy to William and Rose