Westwood Farm Pre-School
8.9 Emergency Closure
Policy statement
At Westwood Farm Community Pre-School, we endeavour to be open at all scheduled times without disruption. Where disruption is unavoidable, all involved in the Pre-School are kept informed and we will reopen at the earliest opportunity.
An emergency closure would be implemented in the following circumstances:
The building is unusable through accidental or malicious damage.
The building is unusable due to required maintenance work. We will endeavour to ensure that all work is carried out when the Pre-School is closed.
Loss of utilities such as water or electricity.
When an outbreak of illness within the Pre-School means that we must close in line with Health Protection Agency and Ofsted guidelines.
Inadequate staffing levels, and therefore ratios cannot be met, due to illness of staff
Severe weather conditions prevent staff from safely getting to Pre-School and staff ratios cannot be met.
Any other circumstances that would put the children in our care at risk if the Pre-School were to open.
In the event of there not being enough Committee members in place to meet the requirements of the Pre-Schools constitution.
Due to a pandemic such as the Coronavirus, 7when Government ruling dictates that we should close.
We are asked to close by the Landlord.
In the event of any of the above happening, The Pre-School Management and Committee will make contact with the families of those affected for that session, as soon as possible.This may be via a telephone call, or e-mail.It will also be published on our website, Facebook page and on our parents WhatsApp group.A notice will also be placed in the notice board at the main entrance.Where possible a member of staff will remain at the building to inform anyone who has not received the message.
The Pre-School Manager is responsible for informing the relevant authorities of the unexpected closure if required.Initially this would be the Early Years Childcare and Extended services team, and also the Health Protection Agency, Health and Safety Executive, RIDDOR and Ofsted.
Emergency Closure after a session has started
In the event of an emergency closure after the session has started you will be informed by telephone or text that you are required to collect your child as soon as possible. If the closure is due to sickness, the children and all staff who are unaffected remain on the premises until all children can be collected.
If the closure is due to an emergency which requires the building to be evacuated, the children are safely evacuated according to the current Fire Drill procedures. Contact information for all the children will be taken out of the building alongside the daily register. Once the building is evacuated, the Pre-school Leader ensures the relevant authorities/emergency services are called. The children are then taken to a place of safety (Cotswold Sports Centre) until such time as they can all be collected by parents and carers. The Pre-school Leader will contact the parents and carers of the children present. All staff will remain with the children during this time.
Please note that in the event of emergency closure, any childcare fees are still be liable to be paid.Therefore any payments already received will not be refunded.