Westwood Farm Pre-School
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Staff Qualifications, Training, Support and Skills
At least one person who has a current paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises, and available at all times when children are present and must accompany children on outings.
Providers must ensure there is always a first aid box accessible with appropriate content for use with children. Providers must keep a written record of accidents or injuries and first aid treatment.
3.2 Accidents and emergency treatment
Policy statement
Person responsible for checking and stocking first aid box:
The setting provides care for children and promotes health by ensuring emergency and first aid treatment is given as required. There are also procedures for managing food allergies in section 03 Food safety and nutrition.
Parents consent to emergency medical treatment on registration.
At least one person who has a current paediatric first aid (PFS) certificate is on the premises and available at all times when children are present and regularly update their training; First Aid certificates are renewed at least every three years.
All members of staff know the location of First Aid boxes, the contents of which checked regularly and are in line with St John’s Ambulance recommendations as follows:
Our first aid kit is accessible at all times and contains the following items:
1 protective face shield for performing CPR.
20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive plasters of assorted size.
1 sterile eye pad.
2 triangular bandages.
Wound dressings with bandage attached. 4 x medium, 2 x large.
5 low adherent dressings of different sizes.
1 roll of hypo-allergenic tape.
2 pairs disposable gloves.
1 pair of round ended scissors.
1 pack of sterile gauze swabs.
1 finger bandage.
Guidance card as recommended by HSE x 1.
In addition, the following equipment is kept near to the first aid box:
2 pairs of disposable plastic (PVC or vinyl) gloves.
1 plastic disposable apron.
A thermometer.
Cold compresses are stored in the fridge
Emergency vomit box which contains an apron, gloves, sick bag, yellow bag, liquid to gel powder
Information about who has completed first aid training and the location of the first aid box is provided to all our staff and volunteers. A list of staff and volunteers who have current PFA certificates is also displayed in the entrance hall for parents to see on the buses and cars.
The first aid box is easily accessible to adults and is kept out of the reach of children.
There is a named person in the setting who is responsible for checking and replenishing the first aid box contents, this is Adele Mandrell
Medication is only administered in line with our Administering Medicines policy 6.1
In the case of minor injury or accidents, first aid treatment is given by a qualified first aider.
In the event of minor injuries or accidents, we normally inform parents when they collect their child, unless the child is unduly upset or we have concerns about the injury. In which case we will contact the child’s parents for clarification of what they would like to do, i.e. whether they wish to collect the child
and/or take them to their own GP.
An ambulance is called for children requiring emergency treatment. We will contact parents immediately and inform them of what has happened and where their child has been taken. The parents and ambulance will be called at the same time by 2 staff members.
Accidents and injuries are recorded on tapestry and, where applicable, notified to the Health and Safety Executive, Ofsted and/or local child protection agencies in line with Our Recording and Reporting of Accident and Incidents Policy.
Legal framework
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (1981)
Further guidance
First Aid at Work: Your questions answered (HSE Revised 2015)
Basic Advice on First Aid at Work (HSE Revised 2012)
Guidance on First Aid for Schools (DfE Revised 2014)