Westwood Farm Pre-School
10.2 Transitions
Policy statement
Children are experts in their own lives, and we include the childs own voice in the process as transitions are planned for and managed. We acknowledge that parents are the childs first educators and that transitions need to be planned in partnership with them. The childs keyperson, as described in the Early Years Foundation Stage, will be central to this process.
We are committed to early intervention and want to use first transitions as opportunities to share information about children and make sure that every child is receiving the support that will give them the best possible experiences in the early years.
Transitions can be with other early years childcare such as starting at another early years setting, with a childminder or moving on to primary school.
Clarification of terms
The term parents is used throughout to refer to parents and carers.
EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage
Key person the key person for each child as described in the EYFS.
Inclusion Coordinator/SENCO – position in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice called SENCO.
We aim to: -
Ensure that all children, irrespective of ethnicity, culture, religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability are fully supported in making the transition into school.
Acknowledge that children are experts in their own lives and that listening to their views, feelings and concerns around transitions is central to providing the best possible care and support.
Work in partnership with parents and ensure the information that they share is used to create the best possible ‘conditions’ for smooth transitions for their children.
Acknowledge that parents too may experience some anxiety or have concerns around their childrens transitions and offer additional support where necessary.
Establish effective communication, to share relevant information with other settings or schools, to ensure that childrens needs are met and that there is continuity in their learning.
Work effectively with professionals from other agencies, such as local and community health services, or where children are looked after by the local authority and meet the needs of individual children.
Role of Staff in Current Setting
The Manager will:
Develop links with local schools.
Pass on information so that children and their parents can build relationships with new schools.
Liaise with outside agencies who are already involved with individual children to ensure coordination over plans for transition.
Continue to offer a genuine relationship to staff in the new school for children who are making the transition.
Share relevant information and plan the transition with the parents.
Respond sensitively to a child’s views, feelings, and behaviours about moving on.
Provide more in-depth knowledge of the different circumstances that might surround a childs transition and offer support as needed.
Meeting Individual Needs
We are committed to meeting individual childrens needs and ensure that we respond with sensitivity and flexibility. For example.
Use of transitional/comfort objects
Time taken to settle and parent support
Support from staff
We ensure that transitions for children with additional needs and vulnerable groups of children will be carefully planned with parents. The Manager/SENCO will organise a meeting with the parent to discuss the childs needs and develop a plan, provide information about out setting and involve relevant agencies where appropriate. We will review how the child has settled with parents after 6 weeks.
The Manager/SENCO will take a lead role in planning transition to school for children with additional needs. This will involve arranging a transition plan meeting with the parents, school, and support agencies where appropriate, and liaising with the school Inclusion Coordinator/SENCO to organise additional opportunities for the child to make contact with the school.